And I decided to keep this blog for fun stuffs I encounter everyday *or every week*.
Speaking about blog, after a long time on indecisiveness, I finally set up a nice art blog.
I wasn't really confident with my skill, but right now I guess I'm getting better. Thanks to God for the strength He's been giving me to overcome obstacles, and everyone who's been supporting! :D
If you have time, check it out: :)
Anyway, I've been in love with animation world ever since I watched Dreamworks' newest movie "How to Train Your Dragon". That movie is SUPERB to the core! Poorly underrated at first, but Dreamworks managed to whoop us with awe.
The characters, storytelling, concept designs, everything is just...sweet.
Really sweet it made me watched it twice, two days in a row. And I'll totally go for the third round!
Can never get enough with Hiccup, Toothless and the vikings. They're just adorably enchanting.
For me, this is the first animation to grow so deep in me after Lion King.
For anybody who hasn't watched this movie, GO WATCH IT NOW! I demand your soul to go and buy the tickets to the nearest theater, preferably in 3D (because it just looks so much better).
It also has the bluray DVD coming out and an awesome artbook out already. A must buy! :D
Here are some of the images. I can die from too much dose of Toothless!! XD XD
And here's some of the artbook preview I managed to find online. All credits go to Parka81 @flickr.

GODDDD!!! Looks soooooo GOOD!!!! TT_____TT *drooling* Definitely added to my "must-buy" list!! You can read the review at his blog: Parka Blogs.
Oh dear, how am I going to save money when I have so many artbooks I wanna buy?
But at least I managed to get Claire Wendling's and Stephen Silver's artbook when I was at Wondercon a few weeks ago :D
I also got 2 prints from Bobby Chiu and Kei Acedera (Imaginism Studio), plus a speed painting mini artbook by compilation of French artists. Spent quite a lot of money, but overall I'm really happy since those books are investment :).
I'll post them up later with a brief description of each stuff.
Oh, not forgetting 2 free posters from The Art Department aka TAD. And when I was in their booth, I saw one copy of Jon Foster's out of print artbook. I WANTED TO STEAL IT SOO BAD!! >____<" *bad Mutia!* Btw, for those of you who's never heard of Jon Foster, he's a superb illustrator who's done so many book covers. His works are just..breath-takingly beautiful. Here's the artbook that I wanted, and couple of his images.

The book!!!!! TT_____TT

Speaking about Wondercon, it was my first time coming into one, and I'll definitely go again next year! :D They had panels in Wondercon, and one of speakers was actually Adam Hughes!!! *O_o*. Unfortunately though, he didn't come T_T. I don't know what was going on but yeah..quite a disappointment.
Adam Hughes does a lot of Marvel and DC Comic stuffs, and he's one of my most fave artists right now :). I've been studying his line quality on his pencil works and painting.
Too bad I didn't bring my camera, or else I could've taken a lot of pictures -_-a. My camera right now kinda sucks. I really do think I need a new camera *sigh, MORE MONEY!!! >_<* Oh well, I really need to work now I guess? Alrity folks, that's all for now. I have to take a rest before actually going delusional because of lack of sleep and too much caffeine *weeeee!!!! XD* Cya in the next post and God is IN you! :D
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